RSVP YES by Securing your Hotel Spot


To make the experience truly special and seamless for everyone, we’ve reserved all the rooms at our wedding venue. Staying at Villa Lena ensures you’ll be right in the heart of all the festivities, surrounded by family and friends, with no need to worry about transportation or logistics. We ask that you kindly do not stay elsewhere.

To secure your spot, we kindly ask all our guests to place a $125/person hold. (Add “1” quantity per person)

We ask you place your hold as soon as possible to help us plan. Having everyone stay at the venue will make this celebration even more unforgettable!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and share this special moment together.

Note: we estimate the rooms will cost around $175-200/night, depending on final guest count.


To make the experience truly special and seamless for everyone, we’ve reserved all the rooms at our wedding venue. Staying at Villa Lena ensures you’ll be right in the heart of all the festivities, surrounded by family and friends, with no need to worry about transportation or logistics. We ask that you kindly do not stay elsewhere.

To secure your spot, we kindly ask all our guests to place a $125/person hold. (Add “1” quantity per person)

We ask you place your hold as soon as possible to help us plan. Having everyone stay at the venue will make this celebration even more unforgettable!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and share this special moment together.

Note: we estimate the rooms will cost around $175-200/night, depending on final guest count.

To make the experience truly special and seamless for everyone, we’ve reserved all the rooms at our wedding venue. Staying at Villa Lena ensures you’ll be right in the heart of all the festivities, surrounded by family and friends, with no need to worry about transportation or logistics. We ask that you kindly do not stay elsewhere.

To secure your spot, we kindly ask all our guests to place a $125/person hold. (Add “1” quantity per person)

We ask you place your hold as soon as possible to help us plan. Having everyone stay at the venue will make this celebration even more unforgettable!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and share this special moment together.

Note: we estimate the rooms will cost around $175-200/night, depending on final guest count.